Medical Retina Services
Clinical Examination of the Eye
All patients at Retina Hospital receive a thorough clinical examination of their eyes with initial screening of the anterior segment with Autorefractometer and refraction, Pneumotonometry and Slit-lamp biomicroscopy. The posterior segment is then evaluated with undilated non-contact slit-lamp biomicroscopy  followed by dilated indirect ophthalmoscopy with sclera indentation of both eyes. Specific investigations are advised and performed as and when indicated, in addition to relevant systemic investigations to pin-point the diagnosis.
Imaging Techniques
The common retina-related imaging methods employed are Fluorescein angiography(FFA), Optical Coherence Tomography(OCT) and Ultrasonography (USG) to diagnose the nature and extent of disease, to help in deciding the treatment approach as well as monitor the response to treatment on follow-up. Certain other imaging techniques like X-rays, CT-Scan or MRI of the orbit may be advised in certain pathological conditions.
Laser Retinal Photocoagulation
Photocoagulation therapy is utilized for a wide variety of Vitreo-Retinal conditions to stop leakages, combat ischemic changes and neovascular process as well as to strengthen weak areas of retina (similar to ‘welding’). It is done using a Green Laser of 532nm wavelength either on the Slit-lamp or with a Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscope(LIO) or with an Endoprobe by the specialist eye surgeon.
Photodynamic therapy
In certain cases of Age-related macular degeneration or Choroidal Neovascular membranes, a specialized procedure of Photodynamic Therapy(PDT) is employed – it involves intravenous injection of a photosensitizing drug (which accumulates in the pathological area just behind the central retina) followed by timed-delivery of a specific laser beam to arrest the pathological process and prevent progressive blindness.
Low Vision Aids
Though certain advanced and irreversible retinal pathologies may not be treatable, they can be greatly benefited by proper counseling and use of appropriate low vision aids - helping  to magnify, modify, manage and maximize the existing vision of the patient.
Common Medical Retina conditions
Utilizing the above methods and techniques, a trained Retina specialist can manage numerous retina-related diseases, most common of which are - Diabetic retinopathy, Peripheral retinal degenerative lesions, Cystoid macular edema, Central serous choroidoretinopathy, Chorioretinitis, Parsplanitis, Retinal tears and holes, Retinal vasculitis, Retinal arterial and venous occlusions, Heredomacular Dystrophies etc. Some of these conditions can spill-over into the field of surgical retina when they are in advanced states.
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